How To / Virtual Reality / Oculus Go / Troubleshooting
Oculus Go Troubleshooting
Virtual Reality Rental
Last Update: Sat, Jan 5, 2019
The Oculus Go is awesome, but chances are you will run into some issue that has a quick solution IF you know what to do. Below are a few common issues that can come up PLUS how to fix them. If you have an issue that isn’t noted below, shoot us a tweet @visionaryrental (no ‘s’).
eTech Rentals has done over 1,000 turnarounds with the Oculus Go, and we’ve likely seen it all. We’d be happy to help with your question whether it requires factory resetting or a quick controller reset. Let us help you troubleshoot your issue.
One piece of general advice is to be mindful of your internet connection. We turn Wifi on the headsets off when we ship them, because most of the time, you don’t need internet with our rentals since we preload everything ahead of time. Plus, we’ve found that when an Oculus Go headset goes from one place to another and it can’t connect to the internet – then there are issues that require troubleshooting. We prefer to avoid troubleshooting.
The controller isn’t connecting to the headset.
No worries. We got this. First, make sure that the number on the controller matches the one on the headset. If they do not match, then the remote should not be able to connect to this headset. Find the matching controller to the headset and try again.
Next, hold down the back and Oculus button until you see a light blink rapidly and then go solid. Does the remote respond now?
If not, take the batteries out and put them back in. Sometimes the remote needs a restart. Does the remote respond now?
If not, get new batteries and try again. Does the remote respond now?
If not, shoot us a tweet. If you’re a customer with a rental in hand, please call us at 415-735-1345.
My headset turns black without me doing anything.
This is likely caused by something interfering with the proximity sensor. Look between the two lens. Do you see something? We often use a piece of black Gaffe tape to speed up downloads while prepping the headset. Take the tape off the proximity sensor and put it on the bottom of the headset (or throw it away). The tape is re-useable.
Can’t Play App Or Experience
You keep getting the ‘Something went wrong’ message or my apps won’t play. We’ve been there. This is happening, because the headsets don’t know what account it’s logged into. Try connecting to the internet first. If that doesn’t fix the issue, see below.
You need to connect the headset to the Oculus App. If you don’t already have it, download the Oculus App and log into the Oculus account. If this is a rental with us, please call us at 415-735-1345 and we’ll give you the credentials for
Once logged into the Oculus App, put the your phone down and find the serial number on the Oculus Go headset (located on the side behind the Oculus Go head strap). Look at the Oculus App. You’ll see the serial numbers listed in the ‘Settings’ section. Click on the serial number / headset and wait for it to connect.
Once you’re connected to the headset, make sure that the headset is connected to the internet. If it isn’t, you can connect via the Oculus App on your phone.
When you put the headset on, you want to make the screen go black so that you see the ‘Enter VR’ screen. Once you unlock from that screen, the headset should begin to work as normal.
If you have difficulty getting to the ‘Enter VR’ screen (it happens), restart the headset, connect to the headset when it has rebooted, and try again.
How To Get Past The Controller Tutorial With THAT Music
Sometimes you get the controller tutorial when you turn on your headset, and all you have to do is follow the instructions, connect to the internet, and everything will work as expected.
However, sometimes even if you go through those steps, the Oculus Go headset doesn’t work as expected. If this happsn, go through the same steps as “Can’t Play App Or Experience”.